L’Huffington Post ha appena chiuso una sua intera sezione (quella delle “opinioni”, come se nelle altre ci fossero i fatti) e mandato a spasso alcuni tra gli scribacchini più arroganti e incompetenti che la categoria abbia mai conosciuto. Quindi abbiamo sul mercato una mandria di espertoni di gender politics pronti a essere assunti: se qualcuno ne avesse bisogno, qui sotto può trovare i tweet di quelli che stanno cercando un nuovo “lavoro” (referenze incluse).
Like so many talented and lovely journalists, I was laid off today.
If you're in the market for an opinion editor with a huge and diverse rolodex, or a columnist with 10 years of writing about gender politics (and a literal PhD in romantic comedies) under her belt, talk to me.
— Chloe Angyal (@ChloeAngyal) January 24, 2019
Some personal news: I've been laid off along with some of my incredible colleagues. It's been a wonderful 8 years at HuffPost, and I'll miss my newsroom family more than anything.
If anyone is looking for a culture/gender/politics reporter, longform and short, I'm available.
— Laura Bassett (@LEBassett) January 24, 2019
I spent the last few years reporting on two of the most pressing issues in public health — gun violence and the opioid crisis — and today @HuffPost eliminated its health team. If you're looking for a creative storyteller with deep sourcing, hire me: erin.l.schumaker@gmail.com
— Erin Schumaker (@erinlschumaker) January 24, 2019
While reporting today about federal workers who can't afford tampons, I was laid off from HuffPost. If there's anything I can say after 7 years, it's that I will finish the story. (Also if you're looking to hire a reporter to cover poverty and inequality, I'm available)
— Eleanor Goldberg (@ESGoldberg) January 24, 2019
After 6+ years @HuffPost, I've been laid off. I'm so proud of the work I've done to uplift Latinx voices here and will miss everyone. If you're looking for a bilingual Latina journalist to cover pop culture/identity/marginalized communities/health, etc, DM me #journalismjobs
— Carolina J. Moreno (@CaritoJuliette) January 24, 2019
Just letting y’all know that it’s been an honor to write for @HuffPost for the last year. If anyone is hiring writers or columnists, particularly at the intersection of race/politics/evangelicalism/Christian culture, hit me up:
Brandimiller12@gmail.com https://t.co/jwWVfUtFFp
— Brandi Miller (@BrandiNico) January 25, 2019
After 9 years at HuffPost, I’ve been let go alongside some amazing talents. I managed to survive the aggregation turbine and so much more here, but couldn’t escape layoffs.
Let me know if you’re looking for a reporter/editor to cover anything on guns/drugs/criminal justice.
— Nick Wing (@nickpwing) January 24, 2019
Hire them. They are super talented and, most importantly, wonderful people and you won't regret it.
— Bryan Maygers (@bmaygers) January 24, 2019
DC podcasting was a short but sweet ride here at @HuffPost. Today is my last day but I'm grateful to have worked with so many awesome talent. Recruiters, editors: Some incredible colleagues are now available. Hire them! Much love @HuffPost
— Kenya Downs (@LiveFromKenya) January 24, 2019
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