Former Italian Minister of Justice: “I’m a dead man walking due to COVID-19 vaccine”

Italian politician Roberto Castelli (Lega Nord/Northern League), Minister of Justice in the second and third governments of Silvio Berlusconi (2001–2006) stated on a talk show that he is struggling with his health conditions due to COVID-19 vaccionation.

“I’m a victim of the vaccine, even if I can’t prove it. I got vaccinated at the end of July, I spent August and September with a fever,” Castelli says,”Medical tests indicated that I am at a very high risk of thrombosis. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hope to get out of it”.

“The paradox is that my wife didn’t get the shot, she caught Covid-19 but now she’s fine,” notes the former senator. “From this point of view I should be banned from social media”.

“I’m not ‘anti-vax’ so much so that I got the shot,” Castelli added in a more serious tone. “But now I’d think twice before doing that”.

“I am a dead man walking… Let’s knock on wood,” he concludes bitterly.

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