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Italian ads of recent decades

Italian ads of recent decades (a small selection showing that the whole of Italy is real-life Scarfolk):

Cum lenitate asperitas
(“Problems should be treated gently”):
advertising slogan for a perfume by Gabriele d’Annunzio (1921)
If you find a similar object, don’t touch it! call the police immediately”
(awareness campaign for schools in the post-war period)
Forte La Carnale (an ancient stronghold) in the ‘60s
“The conquest of a men. His weapons”
(Elephant Tower, 1980)
“You are prettier and your coffee tastes better”
(sweetener commercial, 1982)
Condom commercial (1980):
“Riccardo will be born in 1983. Mom and dad are grateful to Durex”
“The end of the world on special offer”
(Pioneer, 1984)
WW2 propaganda posters on the little martyrs of Gorla, 184 children killed by the Allies on 20 October 1944 during a deliberate bombing of a school.
WW2 propaganda posters on the little martyrs of Gorla, 184 children killed by the Allies on 20 October 1944 during a deliberate bombing of a school.
“Only you know you’re wearing it”
(men’s tampon commercial, 2015)

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