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Get Brexit Done (Death In June)

In a foreign town
In a foreign land
Brexit time had come

In a foreign land
In a foreign time
Brexit time had come

We’re falling out of the EU
We’re falling out of the EU
We’re falling out of the EU
My love, my love…

And this was the way
And those were the horrors
As Nigel went reaping

And this was the way
And those were the horrors
As Boris he went reaping

I’m falling out of the EU
I’m falling out of the EU
We’re falling out of the EU
My love, my love…

Crushed, crushed, crushed.
Crushed, crushed, crushed.
Crushed, crushed, crushed.

Mother bleeding.

Crushed, crushed, crushed.
Crushed, crushed, crushed.
Crushed, crushed, crushed.

We stand grinning.

I’m falling out of the EU
I’m falling out of the EU
We’re falling out of the EU
My love, my love…

And this was the way
And those were the horrors
As father he went reaping

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